Out of Time Update

Well it's been two weeks since I wanted to push a post jam update. I'm happy I finished most of my goals. However, with some honestly excessive scope creep again. The goals I had two weeks ago look quite different now.

Memory spatial audio feedback (learn and integrate FMOD), Visual & audio danger sense: other character near hazard, scanner incoming

These were the main goal for myself. I learned a lot about the basics of FMOD and had a lot of fun implementing. I still feel clueless about sound design so I hope the product isn't too grating. Exploring sound design became a priority, so it's why I spent time in the jam to make volume sliders. 

Lose memory rework: visual & audio feedback, returns to present side with particle trail

The initial goal was to make losing memories less frustrating. Originally you had to go back to the same place the memory was collected potentially leading to endless backtracking. The new system of losing memories in a different spot on the right area seems more interesting and forgiving. However, overall it may be more frustrating.

Visible timer in presentFocus stamina system

The goal was to create a bit of growing tension and scoring replayability. I went much farther with a map altering dynamic loss condition mostly because I thought it would be cool. I really don't know if it's fun or intuitive. 

Beginning and ending cutscene: Beginning tutorializes core mechanics

I cut this after once again realizing in-game tutorials are among the hardest features to create. I instead opted for a screen shot text tutorial in the game description. It's not ideal, but I'm not heavily invested enough to go through design and playtesting cycles for this experimental game.

Second tilemap for right/left side

Took a lot longer than expected since I took many shortcuts of copy pasting similar  game objects for left and right. 

Dynamic environment with memory collection

Cut. I don't know what this would look like. I think what I've added so far increases the complexity perhaps too much already.

Overall, I think I've improved the game by a lot. I've strengthened the paranoia core and added some more potential for symbolic parallels to a Neuro memory loss experience.

Unfortunately, I'm feeling more of the strains of pushing poor code/architecture, eternal scope creep, and waning design direction. I don't really like playing games like this in my free time, so it was an interesting experience trying to work on and discover the enjoyment in a product I wouldn't normally enjoy. My solo games' biggest weakness has been insufficient effort towards audience enjoyment. Playtesting should've been a top priority for this game especially since, more than ever, didn't know what I was doing. 

As a solo learning project it was great, though maybe a bit too much time focusing on game feel. Maybe I'll come back after I've got some feedback.

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